Monday, November 27, 2017

Music Appreciation Syllabus

Wheeler High School
Fine Arts Department
Fall 2017

Course: Music Appreciation 4th                              Instructors:  John Perry


I.    Course Description        

            This music appreciation class will expose the student to the use and value of music in people’s lives. It will explore the major areas of Western music culture, as well as relevant political events, composers/artists, and the interrelationships of the art form in each period. It will also touch upon the basic principles and sounds of the music within the genre as it pertains to its continued development.

II.   Course Objective

            By the end of the course, the student should be able to respond emotionally and intelligently to a wide range of music representative of many styles and cultures. The student will be able to acquire an overview of their own musical heritage and why music is an essential ingredient of all human cultures.

III.  Course Requirements

1.      Attendance at ONE live concert. Due date-Friday, Dec 15th. Bring program for evidence.


IV.  Grading Standards

            Homework/Class work                       30%

            Exams                                                 25%

            Quiz                                                    20%

            Concert Attendance                            15%

            Final Exam                                          10%

            TOTAL                                  100%

V.    Homework/Quiz/Exam Policy

            Work to be made up after an excused absence is the student’s responsibility. Work, quizzes or exams cannot be made up after one (1) week beyond the student’s return to class.

VI.             Cheating                                                                                                                           Any student who is caught cheating will be given an “F” grade on that particular assignment. Cheating will include, but not to be limited to the following: copying another student’s test answer, homework or essays, giving students answers to test or homework questions and plagiarism. On the second instance, the student may lose the class.

VII.   Classroom Rules                                                                                                                            No eating food or drinking(water is acceptable) in class.

                        Students must respect others at all times.                                                                            Students must be in their seats when the tardy bell rings.                                     Students must come prepared for class with all necessary materials.


VII.          Expectations and Discipline                                                                                                       I adhere strictly to the district and school policies concerning classroom behavior and consequences for infraction of rules, Refer to district guidelines for information(parent conferences, after-school detention, etc.).

Mr. Perry is available for after school tutoring by appointment. I can be reached at 770-578-3266 ext. 053 or at

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