Wednesday, November 30, 2016

Holiday Showcase concert

Dear Choristers and Parents/Guardians,

As we enter into the Holiday Season I want to invite you to the Wheeler Musical Showcase held in the Wheeler Performing Arts Center on Saturday December 3 starting at 2:00pm.  This concert features the entire music department with musical performances by the choruses, bands, and orchestras.  Due to the number of ensembles performing it is actually two concerts: the Prelude concert begins at 2:00pm and features the Chorale chorus along with the beginning band and orchestra.  The Finale Concert begins at 4:30pm and features Bel Voce and the advanced band and orchestra. 
The Holiday Showcase is our only ticketed event of the year and our fall semester fundraiser.  We want to sell out the Performing Arts Center so please invite as many friends and family as possible.  The more we sell, the greater the benefit for the choral program.  It is important to note that a ticket is good for both concerts.  I have included the ticket order form in this email.  If paying by check or cash (checks made payable to Wheeler Chorus Booster Club) please print out form and return the bottom half with payment.  Paper order forms are due 11/28/2016, the Monday we return from Thanksgiving break.  Tickets may also be purchased through Paypal at  Tickets will also be available at the door but we encourage pre-sale in order to ensure seat availability.  Thank you for your continued support of the Wheeler Chorus program and I look forward to seeing you on December 3!

-John Perry
Director of Choirs
Wheeler High School

Wednesday, August 24, 2016

Charms now online

Charms now online!

Parents and students please visit to login for updated information regarding chorus events and information.  Go to login and choose the Parent/Student/Members tab and the school code is Wheelerchoir.  The password has been set up by your student.  Once you have accessed the site, please check the "update info" section to make sure all contact information is current.  It should include phone number and email for both the student and parent.  It is imperative that this information is correct since it is what we use as our contact hub.  Under the file and handout section, the course syllabus and handbook documents are available.  Please print out, sign, and return the Blanket Field Trip Permission form.  We need these for any chorus trips outside of the school throughout the year.  It gives permission for the entire year so you do not have to fill out a permission form for each event.  Thank you!

-John Perry 

Monday, August 8, 2016

Wheeler Chorus 2016-2017 

Welcome back!  I hope that everyone had a great summer that was energizing and restful.  We are ready here at Wheeler Chorus for a great new year.  First, a couple of changes for this first semester.  There are two choirs instead of three.  This is due to addition of the Musical Theatre class that has been added that I team teach with Ms. Tooks, the drama teacher.  The two choirs are Bel Voce, the advanced mixed ensemble and Chorale, the intermediate womens chorus.

Please note our parent meeting for Tuesday August, 9 at 6:30pm in the chorus room.  We will meet to go over the choral program as well as concert dates.   I look forward to meeting the parents then.

-Mr. Perry
Chorus Teacher

Tuesday, February 23, 2016

Spring 2016 Chorus Schedule

Below you will find the schedule for each choir for the spring semester.  Please join us and invite your friends and family to our concerts to support the hard work of these chorus students.

Bel Voce (Advanced Mixed Chorus)

Wednesday 2/24: 1st block during school sing for East Cobb Middle School (remember to bring in Field Trip Permission Form)
8:25am-10:00am:  Students will wear jeans and Chorus T Shirt
*** Remember that the Performing Arts Center opening concert that was originally scheduled has been postponed until a later date when construction is complete for the PAC. 

Friday 3/4: Large Group Performance Evaluation (LGPE) at Lassiter High School.
Schedule: Immediately after school, students come to chorus room to eat and change into performance attire (Tuxedos and Dresses).  At 4:30 the bus will take us to Lassiter High School.  We are scheduled to warm up at 5:40pm, perform on stage at 6:00pm, sightread and clinic at 6:20.  We will leave Lassiter at approximately 7:00pm and be back to Wheeler by 7:30pm.  Please have rides lined up to pick you up at Wheeler by 7:30pm at the latest.  If you drive or a parent wants to take you home from Lassiter, please give me a written note with parent permission by Tuesday 3/1.  Parents are welcome to come hear us at 6:00pm at Lassiter Performance Hall and it is free!

Monday 3/7:  Festival Concert at St. Catherine’s Episcopal Church (571 Holt Rd NE, Marietta, GA 30068) with Vanderbilt University.
Call time for students is 6:00pm dressed in concert uniform (Tuxedos and dresses).  Concert begins at 7:00 and will feature all Wheeler choirs plus the Vanderbilt University Chorus.  Concert is free and invite your friends and family it will be a great concert!

Saturday 3/19:  Wheeler 50th Anniversary Celebration
We have been invited to perform at the Wheeler 50th anniversary program.  Students will wear jeans and Wheeler chorus shirt and meet in the chorus room at 1:30pm.  We will then go to the new gym for the program that begins at 2:00 and will be done by 3:00 pm.  Students will be excused after the program.

March of April ???: Opening of Wheeler Performing Arts Center concert with entire Wheeler music program.  We will establish a date once we find out when the building is complete.

Thursday May 12: Spring Concert (hopefully Performing Arts Center at Wheeler)

Student call time is 6:00pm at Wheeler Chorus room for warmup.  Concert begins at 7:00pm and is free.  Students will wear jeans and chorus T-shirt (except seniors).

Thursday May 19:  Tentative date for Chorus Banquet at Wheeler Cafeteria
A time of celebration and bid farewell to the seniors.  Food is provided.

Spirito and Chorale (beginning and intermediate womens choruses)

Monday 3/7:  Festival Concert at St. Catherine’s Episcopal Church (571 Holt Rd NE, Marietta, GA 30068) with Vanderbilt University.
Call time for students is 6:00pm dressed in concert uniform (Tuxedos and dresses).  Concert begins at 7:00 and will feature all Wheeler choirs plus the Vanderbilt University Chorus.  Concert is free and invite your friends and family it will be a great concert!

Thursday May 12: Spring Concert (hopefully Performing Arts Center at Wheeler)

Student call time is 6:00pm at Wheeler Chorus room for warmup.  Concert begins at 7:00pm and is free.  Students will wear jeans and chorus T-shirt (except seniors).

Thursday May 19:  Tentative date for Chorus Banquet at Wheeler Cafeteria
A time of celebration and bid farewell to the seniors.  Food is provided.