Mr. Perry's Blog
1st block planning
Week of 9/30
Students and Parents/Guardians,
This post is a bittersweet one to say the least. After seven years of joyous and musically enriching experiences, I am leaving Wheeler High School. I have cherished my time working with the outstanding students that have come through my doors over the years. During the last couple of years I have felt called to church music ministry. At the end of September I was named the new Director of Music Ministries at a local church. My last day at Wheeler is October 8. However, the administration has graciously allowed me to come back on Tuesday October 15 for rehearsals and to conduct the Fall Concert as previously scheduled in the handbook. Just to be clear the Tuesday October 15 concert at 7:00pm in the Performing Arts Center at Wheeler is still on. Thank you all for your continued support of Wheeler Chorus, especially during this time of transition. See you all on October 15.
-John Perry